sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008

Music isn't intended for women.

"When the universe began, it began with a musical note... "

Guess who said that... of course: A WOMAN!

there's no sound in the space, to begin with.

There's not a single woman named in conversations about "the best guitarist ever" and women never sustain such conversations, women speak about how they love some generic song that's on the radio these days, and in conversations about "the best guitarist ever" there are names like Jimmy Hendrix, Vernon Reid, Greg Ginn, Buckethead, all of those dudes.

It's natural that one, as a guy, can impress a girl from out of pretending to play the bass. For girls, music is something that spawns magically. Only one of us could understand the precise method and viscerality behind a musical piece.

There's no woman with... i don't want to say "good taste in music", i'll say: there's no woman with a substantial musical taste...

They always depend either on something (tv) or someone (boyfriend, brother, uncomfortable friend) to find what we can call musical taste.

The boyfriend, brother or uncomfortable friend got their respective music from out of boredom, curiosity, the guitar/bass parts, but the constant here is: independent thought.

Sure, there's guys that listen to same shit-music as girls, but if YOU, as a GUY, do it... you're being gay, you're not thinking independently, you lack of the "fuck all" attitude in which consists being a Man.

I think you're getting this wrong

This isn't a rant, these are just plain and proved facts along the HIStory of MANkind.

I don't even see it as a bad thing, im not hoping to find a girl with my musical tastes cause that girl's fat. This is just how things are supposed to be...

you don't have to judge a girl for being a musical failure or for the crap she listens to, and you're not looking for a girl with your musical taste cause that's a lie because she's unabled to develop a musical taste... it'd be like yelling at a cripple cause he doesn't run, it isn't right.

If you think it for a second, im such a considered person towards women. And i'll keep on being like that for the rest of time i hold this blog.

11 comentarios:

Valerio Vega dijo...


no entiendo... es sarcasmo o es en serio???

anvilface dijo...

fat, with dreads and an asymmetric face...

the girl with the proper music taste.

alain dijo...


es en serio.

Valerio Vega dijo...

jejeje, ya en serio en serio... el sector del que hablas, bien esta dominado por la misoginia; pero para nada podemos generalizar de esa forma en cuanto a musica como "arte"

podria replicar que una gran, gran, GRAN cantidad de mujeres ejecutan en concietos de camara, chello, violin, instrumentos de viento... hay grandes compositoras en europa y japon, que no le piden nada al genero masculino

si volteamos a ver, otra faceta; digamos el jpop, o bien, el pop norteamericano; solo encontraras mujeres, al igual que la gran mayoria del glam o el gospel

y ni hablar de generos un tanto mas antiguos, como la trova, el folk, vaya, incluso el piano... hay muchas mas mujeres presentes en esos generos

ni hablar de michiru yamane, misato watanabe, ja... alizee, madonna, björk, nancy sinatra, diamanda galas, la bruja cosmica janis joplin, enya, shirley manson, jewel... caray, hay variedad, como hay talento... no entiendo cual es la razon de generalizar, o excluir a un genero

la musica es un idioma universal, no solamente debe ser un berrido de cuerdas de 2 - 3 minutos... la musica se vive, no es necesario que este en guitar hero, o bajo una disquera, o que lo registre last fm para que sea MUSICA... pues como tal, tiene de existir como la humanidad misma

y a final de cuentas, gracias a Euterpe (y las demas musas griegas) disfrutas de la musica al nivel de arte, pues solo estas deidades griegas (o su concepcion) permitieron que la metrica musical griega perpetrara al mundo

cada vez que tocas un instrumento, es gracias a las medidas griegas de las musas XD ja!!!

Valerio Vega dijo...

y como que hay que aprobar comentarios, eso esta muy mal XD

alain dijo...

ya lo veía venir, era obvio, evidente.

no te lo tomes tan en serio...
este blog ni siquiera percibe audiencia, solo es mi bandeja de escupir.

ahora que si fue tomado aunque sea un leve en serio, creo que son buenas noticias.

Valerio Vega dijo...

XD ñañañañaña, ya mejor posts de videojuegos

Minerva dijo...

Tambièn ustedes saben cortar el cabello, andar en pasarela, maquillarse, y cocinar mejor que nosotras.

Lo digo en serio y sin sarcasmo.

Anónimo dijo...

Wow, i guess you really do think being ignorant is awesome. I was sort of under the impression that the name of the blog was a joke.

alain dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

Girls+Porn=Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=Sticky Finger's,OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Sticky Key Boards, Then I Look At Kittie's Morgan And Mercedes Even With Lot's Of Past On There Face's, I Can See That There Great At Playing With There Instruments.